Programming in Lua(Thrid Edition)笔记---目录


Programming in Lua, Thrid Edition

I The Language

1 Getting Started

2 Types and Values

3 Expressions

4 Statements

5 Functions

6 More about Functions

7 Iterators and the Generic for

8 Compilation, Execution, and Errors

9 Coroutines

10 Coroutines

II Tables and Objects

11 Data Structures

12 Data Files and Persistence

13 Metatables and Metamethods

14 The Environment

15 Modules and Packages

16 Object-Oriented Programming

17 Weak Tables and Finalizers

III The Standard Libraries

18 The Mathematical Library

19 The Bitwise Library

20 The Table Library

21 The String Library

22 The I/O Library

23 The Operating System Library

24 The Debug Library


25 An Overview of the C API

26 Extending Your Application

27 Calling C from Lua

28 Techniques for Writing C Functions

29 User-Defined Types in C

30 Managing Resources

31 Threads and States

32 Memory Management