Programming in Lua(Thrid Edition)笔记---目录 Veröffentlicht am 2015-09-07 看到第四章的时候,发现Lua的靓点好多,在编程中会提供很多便利,但是由于这些东西都是新的,刚开始学容易忘,回过头再去书里找又太麻烦,尤其是我看的电子书,所以才想到要记下来。这是我第一次写读书笔记,希望可以做完做好。 Programming in Lua, Thrid EditionI The Language1 Getting Started2 Types and Values3 Expressions4 Statements5 Functions6 More about Functions7 Iterators and the Generic for8 Compilation, Execution, and Errors9 Coroutines10 CoroutinesII Tables and Objects11 Data Structures12 Data Files and Persistence13 Metatables and Metamethods14 The Environment15 Modules and Packages16 Object-Oriented Programming17 Weak Tables and FinalizersIII The Standard Libraries18 The Mathematical Library19 The Bitwise Library20 The Table Library21 The String Library22 The I/O Library23 The Operating System Library24 The Debug LibraryIV The C API25 An Overview of the C API26 Extending Your Application27 Calling C from Lua28 Techniques for Writing C Functions29 User-Defined Types in C30 Managing Resources31 Threads and States32 Memory Management